Heavy Metal
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€ -
- On Sale
- ...and Oceans
- 1000 Bombs
- 1349
- 7 H.Target
- 886VG
- A Canorous Quintet
- A Different Cloud
- A Tortured Soul
- A.M.S.G.
- Aarkanne
- Ab'Bhau
- Abbath
- Abhartach
- Abhor
- Abhorior
- Abhorrent Execration
- Abigail
- Abigor
- Abisma
- Ablaze My Sorrow
- Abmut
- Abolish
- Abominated
- Abruptum
- Abscession
- Absolute Key
- Abstract Void
- Absu
- Abysmal Lord
- Abyss Of Perdition
- Abyssal Vacuum
- Accessory
- Acheron
- Acherontas
- Acheulean Forests
- Acid
- Acid Blade
- Acid Death
- Acid Force
- Acid Witch
- ActRazer
- Ad Mortem
- Adacta
- Adorior
- Adramelech
- Advent Sorrow
- Adversus Semita
- Aegrus
- Aeon Winds
- Aeternus
- Aether
- Aethyrick
- Aeveron
- Afsky
- Agalloch
- Agathocles
- Agatus
- Age Of The Wolf
- Ages Of Blood
- Agrath
- Agressor
- Air Raid
- Airbrusher
- Aisuragua
- Aivvass
- Akantha
- Akashah
- Akatechism
- Akerbeltz
- Akerius
- Akhansha
- Albez Duz
- Alder Glade
- Alex Lightspeed
- Algaion
- Algor
- Alice Null
- Alkilith
- Alms
- Almyrkvi
- Alor
- Alskali
- Altar
- Altar Of Oblivion
- Altars
- Altars Ablaze
- Altum Tenebris
- Amalekim
- Ambevilence
- Ambroxiak
- Amesoeurs
- Amestigon
- Amon
- Amon Acid
- Amorphis
- Amplexus
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Anael
- Anatomia
- Anatomical Amusements
- Anatomy
- Ancestral
- Ancestral Fortitude
- Ancient
- Ancient Boreal Forest
- Ancient Crypts
- Ancient Mastery
- Ancient North
- Ancient Rites
- Ancient Wisdom
- Anciients
- Angantyr
- Angel Death
- Angel Dust
- Angel Witch
- Angelgoat
- Angelholocaust
- Angelivore
- Angizia
- Angle Of H'Zazel
- Angra Mainyu
- Angst
- Angstloch
- Animalesco
- Antaeus
- Antagonist
- Antediluvian
- Anthropophagous
- Antichrist
- Anticreation
- Antiversum
- Antropomorphia
- Aosoth
- Apep
- Aphotic
- Apokefale
- Apostasy
- Apostate Viaticum
- Apostle Of Solitude
- Apotemnophobia
- Apparition
- Aquilla
- Ara
- Ara Solis
- Arbitrater
- Arcade High
- Archaic Thorn
- Arckanum
- Arctos
- Arcturus
- Argenthorns
- Arkhon Infaustus
- Arkona
- Armagedda
- Armagh
- Armnatt
- Armory
- Armoured Angel
- Armoured Knight
- Arna
- Around The Fire
- Arouse The Darkness
- Arrayan Path
- Arroganz
- ArsGoatia
- As Sahar
- As The Shadows Envelop Me
- Ascended Dead
- Ascendency
- Ascension
- Asgaroth
- Ashen Tomb
- Askeregn
- Asmodina
- Asphyx
- Astarte
- Astral Spectre
- Astral Tomb
- Astriferous
- At The Gates
- At War
- Ataraxia
- Athanatos
- Athothep
- Atlantean Kodex
- Atoll
- Atomic Goatcrime
- Atone
- Atrium
- Atrocity
- Atropine
- Atterum Ignis
- Au Clair de Lune
- Augrimmer
- Augur
- Aura
- Aura Noir
- Auro
- Autarcie
- Autumn Leaves
- Autumn Nostalgie
- Autumn Tears
- Autumn’s Rapture
- Avenger
- Avlivad
- Avræ Lvnæ
- Avskräde
- Avsky
- Avslut
- Avzhia
- Axia
- Axis Of Advance
- Azaghal
- Azazel
- Azelsgard
- Azketem
- Æternum Sacro
- B.B.Q.
- Baalzagoth
- Bad Omen
- Bahratal
- Bal-Sagoth
- Baldocaster
- Balrog
- Baphomet
- Barabbas
- Barbarie Medieval
- Barkasth
- Bastard Christ
- Bastard Of Loran
- Bastard Priest
- Bathory
- Battle Dagorath
- Batushka
- Baxaxaxa
- Beast Of Revelation
- Beastcraft
- Beastmaker
- Behead
- Behelal
- Behemoth
- Beherit
- Beholder
- Belenos
- Belore
- Belphegor
- Belzec
- Bergthron
- Besatt
- Bestial Reviler
- Bestial Summoning
- Bestial Therapy
- Bestialis
- Bestiality
- Betrayer
- Between Two Castles
- Bewitched
- Bewitcher
- Beyond Death's Throne
- Beyond Man
- Beyond Mortal Dreams
- Bezdan
- Bilwis
- Bitcheater
- Bitter Loss
- Black Altar
- Black Bleeding
- Black Ceremonial Kult
- Black Cobra
- Black Crucifixion
- Black Curse
- Black Denim Rage
- Black Devotion
- Black Diamond
- Black Empire
- Black Fullmoon
- Black Grail
- Black Hate
- Black Mask
- Black Oath
- Black Pest
- Black Sabbath
- Black Soul Horde
- Black Swan
- Black Tape For A Blue Girl
- Black Tusk
- Black Wanderer
- Black Winged Goat Messiah
- Black Witchery
- Blackdeath
- Blackest
- BlackFlow
- Blackline
- Blackthorn
- Blakk Old Blood
- Blasfemancia
- Blasphemaniac
- Blasphemy
- Blasted Pancreas
- Bleeding Sorrow
- Blind Witch
- Blitz
- Blodarv
- Blodhemn
- Blood Chalice
- Blood Feast
- Blood Incantation
- Blood Moon
- Blood Of Kingu
- Blood Rage
- Blood Red Throne
- Blood Spore
- Blood Star
- Blood Stronghold
- Bloodbath
- Blooddust
- Bloodfrost
- Bloodline
- Bloodsoaked Necrovoid
- Bloodtomb
- Blooming Carrions
- Blue Holocaust
- Bog Of The Infidel
- Bone Sickness
- Bone Weapon
- Bonehunter
- Bonejammer
- Bones
- Book Of Skelos
- Boréalys
- Borknagar
- Botulistum
- Boundless Chaos
- Bradung
- Brahdr'uhz
- Brimstone Gate
- Briton Rites
- Brocken Moon
- Broken Hope
- Broken Spirit
- Brume d'Automne
- Brutality
- Buio
- Bulldozer
- Bunker 66
- Burgonet
- Burial
- Burial Choir
- Burial Moon
- Burial Remains
- Burning Creation
- Burying Place
- Cadaveric Fumes
- Cadaveric Incubator
- Cadaveric Possession
- Cadaverous Condition
- Caedes Cruenta
- Cales
- Caligula
- Calvary
- Cancerbero
- Candelabrum
- Candlemass
- Cannabis Corpse
- Capel Beulah
- Capilla Ardiente
- Captor
- Carathis
- Carcinoid
- Cardinals Folly
- Carnal Ruin
- Carnifex
- Carpathian Forest
- Cartilage
- Carved Cross
- Castigo
- Castle
- Catacomb
- Cataleptic
- Cathartic
- Caustic
- Cave Mouth
- Celestial Bloodshed
- Celestial Grave
- Celestial Sword
- Celtic Frost
- Cemetery Urn
- Cenotaph
- Centinex
- Cerebral Engorgement
- Ceremonial Decay
- Ceremonial Oath
- Ceremonial Worship
- Cesspool of Corruption
- Ch'ahom
- Chainbreaker
- Chalice
- Chamber Of Unlight
- Chaos Cascade
- Chaos Invocation
- Chaos Perversion
- Chaostar
- Chapel Of Samhain
- Charnel Altar
- Charon
- Charred Remains
- Chastain
- Cherokee
- Chevallier Skrog
- Children Of Technology
- Chlad
- Chörnyj Woron
- Chotzä
- Chthonic Cult
- Church Of Disgust
- Cianide
- Cimmerian Possession
- Cineastre
- Cinerarium
- Circle Of Chaos
- Circle Of Ouroborus
- Claustrum
- Cloak
- Code
- Codex Nero
- Coffin Curse
- Coffin Mulch
- Coffinborn
- Cold Prophet
- Coldsteel
- Coldun
- ColdWorld
- Command
- Compilerbau
- Compulsive
- Concordia Diaboli
- Concrete Winds
- Condescendance
- Coniferous Myst
- Conjureth
- Conqueror
- Consecration
- Contaminated
- Convent Guilt
- Convocation
- Convulse
- Corax B.M
- Corporate Death
- Corpore Insepulto
- Corpse Worship
- Corpsessed
- Corpus Christii
- Corrode
- Corrosion Of Conformity
- Cortege
- Cosmic Autumn
- Cosmic Isolation
- Count Raven
- Cradle Of Filth
- Craft
- Crasher
- Cratophane
- Crematorio
- Cresset
- Crionic
- Crippled Black Phoenix
- Cripta Oculta
- Cromlech
- Cromworx
- Cropsy Maniac
- Cross Fade
- Cross Vault
- Crossing Death
- Crowley
- Crown Of Asteria
- Cruciamentum
- Cruel Fate
- Cruor Vexillum
- Crusher
- Cruz
- Cry Of The Nile
- Cryptic Realms
- Cryptic Shift
- Crypticus
- Cryptopsy
- Cryptworm
- Ctenizidae
- Cult Of Fire
- Cult Of Horror
- Cultes des Ghoules
- Cultist
- Cutthroat
- Cvinger
- Cynabare Urne
- Cynocephalus
- Czarnobog
- D Aphelium
- Daarlig Stemning
- Daemon Lord
- Dagor
- Damage
- Dämmerfarben
- Danger Cross
- Dark
- Dark Age
- Dark Awake
- Dark Forest
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Funeral
- Dark Millennium
- Dark Mystery
- Dark Quarterer
- Dark Sanctuary
- Dark Storm
- Darkcharge
- Darkest Era
- Darkesthrash
- Darkified
- Darkmoon Warrior
- Darkness
- Darkspace
- Darkthrone
- Dathomir
- Dav Dralleon
- Dawün
- De Vermis Mysteriis
- Dead Chasm
- Dead Christ
- Dead Congregation
- Dead Head
- Dead Kosmonaut
- Dead Limbs
- Dead Summer Society
- Dead Void
- Dead Will Walk
- Deadlight Sanctuary
- Death Rides A Horse
- Death Strike
- Death Vanish
- Death Worship
- Death Yell
- Deathcult
- DeathEpoch
- Deathhammer
- Deathlike Dawn
- Deathrite
- Deathsiege
- Deathspell Omega
- Deathstorm
- Decapitated Christ
- Decapitation
- Decaying
- Decaying Crypt
- Deceased
- Decomposing Serenity
- Deconsekrated
- Deeds Of Flesh
- Deep-pression
- Defod
- Degial
- Degredo
- Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship
- Deicide
- Deiquisitor
- Delayed Ejaculation
- Delirij
- Delirium
- Delirium Tremens
- Demacrator
- Demigod
- Demilich
- Demise
- Demoncy
- Demonic Compulsion
- Demonic War
- Demonic-eyed
- Demonical
- Demonomancy
- Den Saakaldte
- Denial
- Denial Of Existence
- Denial Of God
- Denomination
- Depravity
- Depression
- Depressive Silence
- Der Weg einer Freiheit
- Desaster
- Desecration
- Desecresy
- Desekryptor
- Desolate
- Destabilizer
- Deströyer 666
- Destroyer Attack
- Destruction
- Destructor
- Desultory
- Det Hedenske Folk
- Détente
- Deteriorot
- Detest
- Devastacion
- Devastated Graves
- Devathorn
- Devil's Flesh
- Devoured Elysium
- Dew-Scented
- Diablery
- Diabolic Force
- Diabolic Oath
- Diabolical Messiah
- Diabolicum
- Diabolos Rising
- Diamond Eyed Princess
- Dictator
- Dies Ater
- Dikasterion
- Dimidium Mei
- Dimmu Borgir
- Dio
- Diocletian
- Dipygus
- Disastrous Murmur
- Disburial
- Disciplina Arcani
- Disconformity
- Disfear
- Disguised Malignance
- Disinter
- Dismal Aura
- Dismal Euphony
- Dismember
- Dismorfia
- Display Of Decay
- Dissect
- Dissection
- Distaste
- Divine Empire
- Division Speed
- Dollstake
- Dolorangst
- Domains
- Domgård
- Dominion
- Dominion Of Suffering
- Doomentor
- Doppelaxt
- Döraid
- Dødehender
- Dødheimsgard
- Draghkar
- Dragonne
- Drakon Ho Megas
- Drama Noir
- Drauggard
- Draugr
- Drengskapur
- Drifter
- Dripping Decay
- Drohtnung
- Drowned
- Drowning In Formaldehyde
- Drowning In Phemaldehyde
- Drudensang
- Drudkh
- Drugs
- Druid Lord
- Dungeon Steel
- Dungeontroll
- Dwarrowdelf
- Dying Christ
- Dying Fetus
- Dying Passion
- Dysentery
- Dysylumn
- E-L-R
- Earthshine
- Ebony Pendant
- Echo Primordium
- Ecocide
- Ectoplasma
- Einherjer
- Ejecutor
- El Camino
- Electric Taurus
- Electrozombies
- Elegiac
- Elegy
- Eleine
- Elffor
- Elseetoss
- Elysian Blaze
- Embrace Of Thorns
- Emetophilia
- Eminenz
- Emperor
- Empire Of The Moon
- Empty
- Empyrium
- Emyn Muil
- Encoffined
- Encryptment
- End
- Ende
- Endless Glory
- Endless Loss
- Endstille
- Enemy Of Reality
- Enevelde
- Engrossed
- Engulf
- Engulfed
- Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy
- Enisum
- Ennoven
- Ensanguined
- Enshroud
- Enslaved
- Ensom Skogen
- Ensseminis
- Entrapment
- Entrench
- Envenomed
- Epidemic
- Equinoxio
- Ered Wethrin
- Ereshkigal
- Erevos
- Erupted Evil
- Eruptive
- Erzfeynd
- Esqarial
- Essenz
- Estenosis
- Eternal Champion
- Eternal Darkness
- Eternal Rot
- Eternal Valley
- Ethelyn
- Eucharist
- Eurynomos
- Evighetens
- Evil Madness
- Evil Warriors
- Evilfeast
- Evoke
- Evoken
- Ewiges Reich
- Exanimatvm
- Excarnated Entity
- Excoriate
- Excruciate
- Excruciation
- Excurse
- Execraris
- Executer
- Exhumed
- Exitium
- Exsul
- Extarsis
- Exterminio
- Extinction
- Extrakt
- Extreme Violence
- Exumer
- Faceless Burial
- Facerip
- Faction Senestre
- Faith And The Muse
- Falkenbach
- Fata Morgana
- Faustian Pact
- Faustian Spirit
- Feaces Christ
- Fellmoon
- Fellwarden
- Feraliminal Lycanthropizer
- Fessus
- FesterDecay
- Fides Inversa
- Fief
- Filthgrave
- Fjøsnisse
- Flagg
- Flames
- Flesh Temptation
- Fleshcrawl
- Flesia
- Fluids
- Fluisteraars
- Foetal Juice
- Foetopsy
- Foghorn
- Fogweaver
- Folklore Negro
- For Centuries
- Forbidden Tomb
- Force Of Darkness
- Force Of Hell
- Forest Temple
- Forest Thrall
- Forest Whispers
- Forgotten Shrines
- Forgotten Woods
- Forklift Operator
- Forlorn Citadel
- Forlorn Hope
- Forlorn Kingdom
- Formicide
- Formless Master
- Formless Oedon
- Forndom
- Fossilization
- Fossilized
- Front
- Frozenland
- Fullmoon Sorcery
- Funebre
- Funeral Circle
- Funeral Curse
- Funeral Frost
- Funeral Fullmoon
- Funeral Harvest
- Funeral Mist
- Funeral Tears
- Funeral Vomit
- Funeral Winds
- Funereal Presence
- Funereus
- Galaxy
- Galdrer
- Gallowbraid
- Gallower
- Gallows Whisper
- Gangrena
- Gaoth
- Gärgäntuäh
- Gargoylium
- Gastrorrexis
- Gateway To Selfdestruction
- Gehenna
- Gehennah
- Geist Of Ouachita
- Geistaz'ika
- Gelure
- Genital Grinder
- Genocidal Rites
- Ghost Bath
- Ghûlheim
- Ginnungagap
- Glacial Fear
- Goat Explosion
- Goat Rider
- Goat Semen
- Goatblood
- Goaten
- Goatfukk
- Goath
- Goatkraft
- Goatmilker
- Goatreich
- Goatslaught
- Goatworship
- God Dethroned
- Goddefied
- Gorath
- Gore
- Gorement
- Gorephilia
- Gorgon
- Gorgoroth
- Gorthaur
- Gosforth
- Gosudar
- Gotmoor
- Gotthammer
- Graceless
- Graf Spee
- Gramarye
- Grand Celestial Nightmare
- Grand Supreme Blood Court
- Grandeur
- Granitader
- Gravavgrav
- Grave
- Grave Desecrator
- Grave Disgrace
- Grave Miasma
- Grave Of God
- Graveren
- Graveyard Winds
- Gravferd
- Grenadier
- Grieve
- Grift
- Grifteskymfning
- Grigorien
- Grim Fate
- Grimdor
- Grívf
- Grog
- Grue
- Gruesome Stuff Relish
- Gryftigaen
- Grymmstalt
- Guderrha
- Guerra Total
- Guerreros de Lucifer
- Guilliotino
- Gulguhk
- Gutrot
- Gutvoid
- Gutwrench
- Had
- Hades Almighty
- Hadron
- Haeiresis
- Hagorun
- Hail Conjurer
- Hail Of Bullets
- Haimad
- Häive
- Hallux Valgus
- Halphas
- Hammr
- Hån
- Har
- Har Shatan
- Harmony Dies
- Harnisch
- Hässlig
- Hastur
- Hasturian Vigil
- Hate
- Hate Forest
- Hate Them All
- Hatefilled
- Hatred
- Haunt
- Haunted Cenotaph
- Hautakammio
- Havohej
- Hawkmoon
- Haxan Dreams
- Haxandraok
- Haxen
- Häxenzijrkell
- Hazard
- Head Cleaner
- Heathen Deity
- Hegemony
- Hegemoon
- Héia
- Heimdalls Wacht
- Heinous
- Heir Apparent
- Helheim
- Helhest
- Hell Bound
- Hell Poison
- Hellavenger
- Helleruin
- HellEvator
- Hellhammer
- Hellmoon
- Hellpossession
- Hellwitch
- Hemdale
- Heosphoros
- Heptameron
- Herald
- Herbstlethargie
- Heretic
- Heretic Cult Redeemer
- Heretic Deathcult
- Heretic Ritual
- Heretoir
- Herzel
- Hetroertzen
- Hexen
- Hexenbrett
- Hibernus Mortis
- Hiborym
- High Spirits
- Highway Superstar
- Hin Håle
- Hirveä
- Hitten
- Hjemlengsel
- Hobbs Angel Of Death
- Hollenthon
- Hollow Woods
- Holocausto
- Holocausto Canibal
- Holy Death
- Holy Moses
- Hor
- Hordagaard
- Hormigon
- Horn
- Horna
- Horns
- Horns Of Domination
- Horrendum Vermis
- Horrified
- Horrifier
- Horror Chamber
- Horror On Black Hills
- Hour Of 13
- Høstsol
- Hulder
- Human Compost
- Human Filleted
- Humus
- Huoripukki
- Hyl
- Hyngwar
- Hyperdontia
- I Am The Void
- Iasma
- Ice War
- Iced Earth
- ICS Vortex
- Idle Ruin
- Idolatria
- Idolos
- Ifernach
- Igric
- Ihdamas
- Iku-Turso
- Ild
- Ildfar
- Ildjarn
- Ill Omened
- Illska
- Illum Adora
- Imha Tarikat
- Immortal
- Immortal Fate
- Immortal Forest
- Immortal Hammer
- Impaled Nazarene
- Impaler
- Impalers
- Impending Triumph
- Imperial Sodomy
- Imperium
- Impervious Mutation
- Impetigo
- Impiety
- Impure
- Impure Ziggurat
- Impurity
- In Battle
- In Grief
- In Morte Sumus
- In Obscurity Revealed
- In The Woods...
- In Twilight's Embrace
- Inanes
- Inanna
- Incantation
- Incarnate
- Incinerator
- Inclemency
- Inconcessus Lux Lucis
- Incubator
- Incursion
- Indre Mørke
- Industria Masoquista
- Inexorable
- Infamous
- Infamy
- Infant Death
- Infected
- Infected Virulence
- Infernal Death
- Infernal Execrator
- Inferno
- Infiltration
- Ingvarr
- Inherits The Void
- Inner Sanctum
- Inquisition
- Insane
- Insect Inside
- Insecurity
- Inselberg
- Insight
- Instigate
- Insurgency
- Interfectum
- Interitvm
- Interment Ashes
- Internal Bleeding
- Internal Suffering
- Intestinal Hex
- Intestinal Laceration
- Into Coffin
- Into Darkness
- Intus Mortem
- Invidious
- Invocator
- Invultation
- Irae
- Iron Angel
- Iron Curtain
- Iron Gang
- Iron Maiden
- Iron Triumph
- Irrlycht
- Isole
- Israthoum
- Issolei
- Isvind
- Itnos
- Izrod
- Jakubysko
- Jarnvidr
- Jégzivatar
- Jenovavirus
- Jigsore Terror
- Joe Hasselvander
- Johansson & Speckmann
- John Ven
- Jord
- JT Ripper
- Judas Priest
- Jungle Rot
- Jzovce
- K.F.R
- k1r2ch8t7v
- Kaal Akuma
- Kalmankantaja
- Kalseroth
- Kalt Vindur
- Kältetod
- Kamp
- Kampfar
- Kaos Doom
- Karloff
- Karpathia
- Kastijder
- Katakomb
- Katari
- Katatonia
- Katavasia
- Katharsis
- Keep Of Kalessin
- Kehrä
- Keks
- Kerbenok
- Kerrigan
- Khasmata
- Khazad Dhum
- Khold
- Khors
- Khragkh
- Kill
- Kill The Lord
- Killing
- Killing Addiction
- King Diamond
- King Dude
- Kingkeporkak
- Klage
- Klanen
- Kleistophobia
- Klinikk
- Knallpulver
- Knight & Gallow
- Knights Of Nvrul
- Knurl
- Koldbrann
- Koldun
- Koldvoid
- Kolp
- Konfession
- Kosmik Tomb
- Kraanium
- Krabathor
- Krater
- Kringa
- Krisiun
- Krolok
- Kröwnn
- Krøne
- Krucificadores
- Kublai Khan
- Kūka'ilimoku
- Kult Ofenzivy
- Kvadrat
- La Ballade des Rats
- Lacrimi si Sfinti
- Lamentation
- Lava Invocator
- Law Of Contagion
- Le Morte
- Leather Temple
- Legion Of Doom
- Legion Of The Damned
- Leiru
- Leprophiliac
- Les Fantomes Existent
- Lethal
- Lethal Presence
- Leviathan
- Libation
- Lie In Ruins
- Lifelover
- Ligfaerd
- Likferd
- Likheim
- Liksminke
- Limbonic Art
- Liquid Rot
- Litosth
- Liturgia
- Liturgy Of Desecration
- Liv Kristine
- Live By The Sword
- Living Death
- Lönndom
- Lord
- Lord Belial
- Lord Valtgryftake
- Lord Vicar
- Lord Vigo
- Los Males Del Mundo
- Lost Years
- Lóstregos
- Loth
- Loud Night
- Lucifer's Children
- Lucifericon
- Lugubrum
- Lunar Aurora
- Lunar Shadow
- Lunar Spells
- Lunatic Affliction
- Lustre
- Lux Nigrum
- Lux Noctis
- Luzifer
- Lynx
- M-19
- Macabro Genocidio
- Mace 'n' Chain
- Macromenia
- Magic Find
- Magnus
- Maim
- Majestat
- Make a Change... Kill Yourself
- Malakhim
- Malevolent Creation
- Malformed
- Malhkebre
- Malignant Altar
- Malignant Rot
- Malist
- Malokarpatan
- Malsanctum
- Malteze
- Malum
- Mānbryne
- Manes
- Maniac
- Maniac Butcher
- Manii
- Mantic Ritual
- Mantiel
- Mantra Anguis
- Mánþiel
- Mardom
- Mardraum
- Marduk
- Martelo Intolerante
- Martelo Perpetuo
- Martwi
- Martyr
- Martyrdoom
- Marvel83'
- Maschinenzimmer 412
- Mass Infection
- Mass Killings
- Massacre
- Massive Destruction
- Master
- Master's Hammer
- Mastiphal
- Matterhorn
- Mavorim
- Maxthor
- Mayhem
- Mayhemic
- Maze Of Sothoth
- Maze Of Terror
- Mean Machine
- Medicine Death
- Medico Peste
- Mefisto
- Megadeth
- Megaton Sword
- Mein Töd
- Melan Selas
- Meneapneontes
- Mental Decay
- Mephistofeles
- Mephitic Grave
- Mephorash
- Merciless
- Mercyless
- Mercyless Hammer
- Mergelland
- Mesarthim
- Messiah
- Messiah Death
- Metal Church
- Metal Crucifier
- Metallica
- Metalmorfosis
- Metalucifer
- Meurtrières
- Meyhnach
- Mezzrow
- Mhönos
- Miami Nights 1984
- Midnight Betrothed
- Midnight Callings
- Midnight Odyssey
- Midnight Osyssey
- Midnight Prey
- Mightiest
- Millennium
- Mindless Sinner
- Minenwerfer
- Minervium
- Minnesjord
- Mirkwood
- Mirthquell
- Misa Tridente
- Misanthropos
- Miserere Luminis
- Mistcavern
- Misþyrming
- Mitch Murder
- Mithras
- Mlehst
- Moiscus
- Molde
- Molested
- Moloch
- Molok
- Monarch
- Monasterium
- Monastery
- Mondernte
- Mongrels Cross
- Monolith
- Mons Veneris
- Monstraat
- Moon Oracle
- Moonblood
- Moonlight
- Moonlight Sorcery
- Moonspell
- Morax
- Morbid Angel
- Morbid Blood
- Morbid Cruelty
- Morbid Evils
- Morbid Sacrifice
- Morbid Saint
- Morbid Sphere
- Morbid Stench
- Morbific
- Morbosatan
- Mordhell
- Mordred
- Morgal
- Morgoth
- Morgue
- Morgue Breath
- Morgul
- Morkenatten
- Mörker
- Morpheus Descends
- Morta
- Morte Incandescente
- Mortem
- Mortem Agmen
- Mortician
- Morticious
- Mortiis
- Mortual
- Mortuarial Avshy
- Mortuary Drape
- Mortuary Ghoul
- Mortuus Infradaemoni
- Mosaic
- Mother Of All
- Mouflon
- Mournful Congregation
- Mourning Beloveth
- Mouth Of Madness
- Mørketsvind
- Murdock
- Múspellzheimr
- Mütiilation
- Muvitium
- My Absence By Now
- Myrkgand
- Mystic Charm
- Mystic Storm
- Mysticum
- Mystifier
- Mysto Dysto
- Mythic
- Mythos
- MZ.412
- Naastrand
- Nabat
- Nachtheir
- Nächtlich
- Nachtmaar
- Naddred
- Nae'blis
- Naer Mataron
- Naga
- Nagelfar
- Naglfar
- Najash
- Naked Whipper
- Nansarunai
- Napalm Death
- Napalm Raid
- Narbeleth
- Nargaroth
- Nasheim
- Nathr
- Nattehimmel
- Nawaharjan
- Naxac
- Nazxul
- Nëbrahhartën
- Nebran
- Nebulhaim
- Necrambulant
- Necro Orgy
- Necro Schizma
- Necroblasphemy
- Necrocarnation
- Necrom
- Necromantia
- Necromantic Worship
- Necrömanzer
- Necromass
- Necromist
- Necronomicon
- Necrophagia
- Necrophilic Autopsy
- Necrophobic
- Necropsy Odor
- Necroracle
- Necros Christos
- Necrosanct
- Necröse
- Necrosophia
- NecroticGoreBeast
- Necrotum
- Necrowretch
- Nefandus
- Nekkrofukk
- Nekro Drunkz
- Nekrofilth
- Nekromantheon
- Nekromantor
- Nekrovault
- Nemesis
- Neo Inferno 262
- Neolithic
- Nergal
- Nether
- Nethermancy
- NettleCarrier
- Neurotic Machinery
- Nhaavah
- Nidafjällen
- Niden Div. 187
- Nidhogg
- Nidhöggr
- Níedgedál
- Nifelheim
- Night Attack
- Nightfall
- Nightfell
- Nightgaunt
- Nightmare
- Nightwalker
- Nightwings
- Nigromancia
- Nigrum
- Nigrum Pluviam
- Nihil Invocation
- Nihilistischer Wahn
- Niht
- Nile
- Nirnaeth
- Noctambulist
- Nocternity
- Nocturn
- Nocturnal
- Nocturnal Breed
- Nocturnal Departure
- Nocturnal Depression
- Nocturnal Effigy
- Nocturnal Prayer
- Nôidva
- Noneuclid
- Nordjevel
- Nortfalke
- North
- Northwind
- Nortt
- Nosophoros
- Nothingness
- Noxis
- Nuclear Death
- Nuclear Revenge
- Nuctemeron
- Nulla Ratio
- Nunslaughter
- Nurse With Wound
- Nycticorax
- NyreDolk
- Nytt Land
- O Método
- O.O.A.
- Oath
- Oath Of Damnation
- Obituary
- Obliteration
- Obliveon
- Obscene
- Obsidian Hooves
- Obtained Enslavement
- Occlith
- Occulsed
- Occult Blood
- October 31
- October Tide
- Odibilis Signatus
- Odinfist
- Odium
- Óðkraptr
- Of Darkness
- Ofermod
- Okkvltismi
- Old Arrival
- Old Castles
- Old Forest
- Old Funeral
- Old Man's Child
- Old Sorcery
- Olhava
- Olkoth
- Omegavortex
- Omen
- Omenfilth
- Ominous Resurrection
- Omission
- Ondskapt
- One Master
- Oneiric Eclipse
- Onslaught
- Onward
- Onyx
- Open Flesh Wound
- Opera IX
- Ophis
- Ophthalamia
- Oppressive Descent
- Oppressor
- Opprobrium
- Orae
- Orcrypt
- Ordem Satânica
- Order Of Darkness
- Order Of Nosferat
- Order Of Orias
- Order Of The Emperor
- Ordigort
- Ordinance
- Ordo Cultum Serpentis
- Organ Dealer
- Ork
- Örmagna
- Orobas
- Orogen
- Orthodoxy
- Ortus
- Orwol
- Osculum
- Osculum Infame
- Oscurus Infernal
- Ossa Coronata
- Ossilegium
- Ossuary
- Ostrogoth
- Otras
- Oublieth
- Ouijabeard
- Ouroboros Solemn
- Outbreak Riot
- Outline
- Outrage
- P.L.F.
- Pa Vesh En
- Pactum
- Pagan Rites
- Paganland
- Painferno
- Pakkt
- Pan.Thy.Monium
- Pandemia
- Pandemic Outbreak
- Pandemonium
- Pantheon Of Blood
- Panzerwar
- Paradise Lost
- Paradoxx
- Parasital Existence
- Parasitario
- Parasite Dreams
- Paria
- Parish
- Parkcrest
- Parnassus
- Paroxysmal Butchering
- Party Cannon
- Pathologist
- Patristic
- Paxtilence
- Penitência
- Pentacle
- Pentagram
- Perdition Hearse
- Perdition Temple
- Perdizione
- Perverticon
- Pest
- Pestiferation
- Pestilence
- Pestilength
- Pestis Cultus
- Pestkraft
- Petrol
- Phantasm
- Phantasmagore
- Phenocryst
- Phlebotomized
- Phlegethon
- Phobia
- Phrenelith
- Phthisis
- Physiology Of Darkness
- Pile Of Death
- Piledriver
- Pious Levus
- Plaagdrager
- Plague
- Plague God
- Plague Patrol
- Plague Warhead
- Poison
- Poison Angel
- Ponor
- Popiel
- Porcupine Tree
- Poroniec
- Portal
- Postcards From Arkham
- Pounder
- Powernerd
- Powerrun
- Praecognitvm
- Prehistoric War Cult
- Primal Cult
- Prime Evil
- Primitive
- Primordial
- Prison Hell
- Procession Of Headless Angels
- Proclamation
- Profanatica
- Profane Congregation
- Profane Grace
- Profane Prayer
- Promise Of Deceit
- Prophets Of Doom
- Protector
- Psychotomimetic
- Psychrist
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pungent Stench
- Pure
- Purgatory
- Pursuer
- Purtenance
- Purulent Remains
- Purulent Spermcanal
- Pustilence
- Putred
- Putrefuck
- Putrid Evocation
- Putrid Marsh
- Putrid Tomb
- Putridarium
- Pyre
- Qrixkuor
- Quest Master
- Quiet Riot
- Quo Vadis
- Raate
- Raging Steel
- Ragnarok
- Raptore
- Rapture
- Rät King
- Ravencult
- Ravenous Death
- Raventale
- Raw Power
- Razor
- Reaper
- Reaver
- Rebaelliun
- Reborn
- Reborn in Flames
- Reckless Manslaughter
- Redenção Pelas Chamas
- Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
- Reign In Blood
- Remmirath
- Reptil
- Requiem
- Requiem Of Death
- Resistance
- Restos Humanos
- Resurrection
- Retrosatan
- Reveal!
- Revel In Flesh
- Reveler
- Revenant Marquis
- Revenge
- Reverend Bizarre
- Revulsed
- Rex Defunctis
- Rexul
- Riesenbaude
- Riffobia
- Rift
- Rigor Sardonicous
- Riivaus
- Riotor
- Ripper
- Rising
- Rites Of Thy Degringolade
- Ritual
- Ritual Clearing
- Rituals Of The Oak
- Riverge
- Road Warrior
- Roadkill
- Robert Parker
- Rok
- Rompeprop
- Romuvos
- Root
- Roots Of The Old Oak
- Rot
- Rotheads
- Rotten Moon
- Rotten Tomb
- Rotting Christ
- Rottrevore
- Rov
- Ruach Raah
- Ruadh
- Rude
- Rumble Militia
- Rumours
- Ründgard
- Rune Skogen
- Runemagick
- Running Maiden
- Running Wild
- Rusty Bonez
- Sa Bruxa
- Saatkrähe
- Sabbat
- Sabbathan
- Saboter
- Sacral
- Sacramentum
- Sacratus
- Sacred Crucifix
- Sacred Sin
- Sacrifice
- Sacrificio
- Sacrilege
- Sacrilegium
- Sad
- Sadism
- Sadist
- Sadistic Drive
- Sadistic Noise
- Sadistik Exekution
- Sadistik Goathammer
- Sadokist
- Sahara
- Saint Vitus
- Saiva
- Salacious Gods
- Salem
- Saltas
- Samael
- Sammath
- Sanctum Sathanas
- Sandstorm
- Sanguinary Execution
- Saor
- Sapaudia
- Sarcasm
- Sarcator
- Sarcófago
- Sarcophagum
- Sardonic Death
- Sardonic Witchery
- Sargeist
- Sargoth
- Sartael
- Sarvari
- Satanchist
- Satanic Count
- Satanist Terrorist
- Sathanas
- Saturnian Tempel
- Satyricon
- Sauron
- Savage Master
- Savage Ruins
- Savagery
- Scabbard
- Scald
- Scalpture
- Scars Of Sodom
- Scepter
- Schafott
- Schatten Muse
- Schattenfestung
- Scheitan
- Scientiam Templum
- Scope Of The Paradox
- Scorn
- Scrying Glass
- Seamount
- Seance
- Seance Of
- Sear Bliss
- Secret Tongues
- Sedimentum
- Seep
- Seeping Protoplasm
- Seid
- Seizure
- Sektarism
- Selbst
- Selefice
- Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies
- Seltsame Erden
- Selvageria
- Sendero Inexorable
- Sentenced
- Sepsism
- Septage
- Septicemia
- Sepulchral Voices
- Sepulchrum
- Sépulcre
- Sepulcrum
- Sequestered Keep
- Sequestrum
- Seraphic Entombment
- Serpent
- Serpent Cobra
- Serpents Oath
- Serpentshrine
- Setherial
- Severance
- Severe Torture
- Severed Headshop
- Severoth
- Sewer Fiend
- Sexorcist
- Shaarimoth
- Shadow Dungeon
- Shadow Robotics
- Shadow's Mortuary
- Shadowland
- Shakma
- Shambles
- Shibalba
- Shining
- Shitfucker
- ShitFuckingShit
- Shores Of Ladon
- Show Of Bedlam
- Shud
- Siebenbürgen
- Siete Lagunas
- Sigh
- Signs Of The Dying Summer
- Sijjin
- Silexater
- Silhouette
- Silvanthrone
- Sinira
- Sinoath
- Sins Of The Damned
- Sjunde Inseglet
- Skōhsla
- Skratte
- Skyforest
- Slagmaur
- Slať
- Slaughtbbath
- Slaughter
- Slaughterday
- Slayer
- Sleepwalker
- Slege
- Smith & Swanson
- Smothered Bowels
- Smrtan
- Smrtan's Shoggoth
- Snäggletooth
- Snorlax
- Sodom
- Solar Mass
- Solemne Mortis
- Solitude Aeternus
- Solothus
- Solstice
- Somniate
- Sonillon
- Sorcery
- Sorcier Des Glaces
- Sordid Dogs
- Soror Dolorosa
- Sorrow
- Sort Sind
- Sortilège
- Sortilegia
- Sotherion
- Soulrot
- Soyuz Bear
- Spectral Apparition
- Spectral Whisper
- Spectres & Teeth
- Speglas
- Spells Of Fog
- Sphinx
- Spiker
- Spiritus Mortis
- Spit The Blood
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Sporae Autem Yuggoth
- Stalaggh
- Stalino
- Stallion
- Stangarigel
- Starcadian
- Starcave Nebula
- Starfarer
- Steel Arctus
- Steel Inferno
- Steingrab
- Stella Arja
- Stellar Master Elite
- Stikkersvin
- Stilla
- Stodor Wilzorum
- Stone Vengeance
- Stormbreker
- Stormdeath
- Stormthrash
- Størr
- Strangulation
- Strappado
- Street Cleaner
- Striborg
- Stridsmenn
- Strigae
- Strike Master
- Stryvigor