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Welcome! To the elder ruins again…

Welcome to the new Darkness Shall Rise Productions online shop.

From now on you can pre-order the Mayhem “De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas” 25th anniversary 3-tape box as well as the new album of Reign In Blood.
Please note that this is a pre-order and the release date for both releases will be 30th September.

Furthermore, you can now order all currently available DSR releases here in this very shop. In combination with those two pre-order items, your orders will be shipped not before the 30th of September.

Unfortunately, due to time and technical reasons, I have not been able to add more articles to the shop for now. But keep your eyes open. In the coming weeks I will add many more articles. However, as known you will not find CD’s nor vinyl records here in this shop.


Hail Metal! Hail Death!